Below you will find Tennis Canada’s policies.

Privacy Policy 

Screening Policy (PDF)

Appeals process policy (PDF)
*For further information about NTC policies, view our High Performance page

Tennis Canada’s Commitment to Accessibility Policy (PDF)

Some of Tennis Canada’s videos are viewable through YouTube.
*For further information see the YouTube privacy policy and the Google privacy policy


Fostering a sport environment that is safe for all participants, at all levels of competition, is everyone’s responsibility. A safe sport environment is one that does not jeopardize an athlete’s mental, physical, emotional or sexual health and well-being but instead promotes strength, resilience and self-confidence.

Athletes, particularly those competing at high levels, may be vulnerable to attacks on their health and well-being from people they know – trainers and other athletes, for example – as well as from people they do not know – media and strangers through social media. It is essential that all participants are protected from harm through a combination of education and prevention initiatives, comprehensive and actionable policies and protocols, and compassionate and just crisis management.


The Code of Conduct (the “Code”) is founded on the highest ethical standards of treating all persons with fairness and respect, ensuring the full and fair participation of all persons in the sport of tennis, and facilitating the fair, equitable, transparent and timely resolution of disputes.

Tennis Canada is committed to leading the growth of tennis in Canada by promoting an environment that is free from all forms of Neglect and Maltreatment, and that reflects its core values of teamwork, passion, integrity, innovation, excellence, and accountability.

This Code is meant to protect all individuals and identifies the standard of behaviour Tennis Canada expects of its Personnel, Athletes and Coaches, as well as the consequences of non-compliance. It is incumbent upon every individual to voluntarily comply with the Code and all of Tennis Canada’s policies as outlined in the Cover Note that are applicable to the individual. Tennis Canada encourages the Reporting of all violations of the Code, especially incidents of alleged Neglect and Maltreatment, regardless of who the offender may be. It is aligned with Abuse Free Sport and the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) to ensure a positive tennis experience for everyone in our sport.

To review our Code of Conduct, please click below:

Tennis Canada Safesport Code of Conduct – EN

Tennis Canada Code de Conduite de Sécurité dans le Sport – FR


The UCCMS is the core document that sets harmonized rules to be adopted by sport organizations that receive funding from the Government of Canada to advance a respectful sport culture that delivers quality, inclusive, accessible, welcoming and safe sport experiences.

The UCCMS addresses:

To review the UCCMS, please click below:

Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) – EN
Le Code de conduite universel pour prévenir et contrer la maltraitance dans le sport (CCUMS) – FR