Building on the awareness generated by its Game. Set. Equity. (GSE) commitment, Tennis Canada has anchored its 2024 year-end fundraising campaign in its gender equity efforts. With the tagline Victory will be HERS, the campaign boldly celebrates the positive change that tennis has brought in the lives of women and girls.


“They say success is a series of small victories and when it comes to equity in tennis, our women have had many. But we’re still working overtime to stay in the game and earn an equal place.”

Together, we can ensure more victories on the court and in life. Make a difference for generations to come by making a donation.


We’re thrilled that Bianca Andreescu is championing the cause by matching all donations up to $50,000.

Bianca’s remarkable journey from rising star to U.S. Open champion has inspired countless girls to pick up a racquet. Now, she’s inviting you to join her in levelling the playing field for women in tennis.

We need your support

We won’t stop until women and girls face no barriers in the pursuit of their tennis dreams. But we can’t do it alone. We need your support to:

Increase the number of women and girl-registered competitors at Tennis Canada events to 40%

Develop 500 certified women instructors

Collaborate with 100 community partners across Canada delivering tennis programs for girls

Increase the number of active women and girl-certified coaches and officials to 40% 

Women in tennis  — Inspiring stories

We are telling the stories of five women for whom tennis has played a major role and contributed towards victories in their personal and professional lives.  

Each of these triumphs is a step towards equity and we are rallying the tennis community to ensure more victories are possible through the advancement of our women and girls programming.

DONATE today

Help us break down barriers by making a donation to ensure inclusivity and to create opportunities for women and girls in tennis.


Share our campaign to your social channels and help us build momentum and raise more to give Canada the advantage as a Tennis Nation! Your help is greatly appreciated.

In the event you are experiencing technical difficulties with the donation form, please email or give us a call at 647-783-9030.